On the weekend I did finally get to watch
Tuck Everlasting which I've been wanting to see and also went to see
White Oleander (AND even managed to get some reading done for school! Whoo!) And I bought a book for $3.99. And I'm apparently allergic to cats now...? Or at least I think that's what it was...
Well anyway, here I am again, back at res and it's like I'm used to being here now but it still doesn't feel quite right. Somehow still a little impermanent. (Probably because it is...) I do like being on my own more than I used to be, but when I mix my old (home) life with my current (school and res) life, it starts to get a little weird. But that's just me and a feeling I have. I probably don't explain it properly...
And so I've officially missed the OLP concert that happened yesterday...--sigh-- Would have been really great to have gone, but it'll be okay...just will have to catch them next time...and by God, there'd better be a next time! :) Oh well.
It's really cold in here right now. Every time we try to turn the heat on the lousy over-sensitive smoke/heat detector throws another hissy fit. --sigh-- But it's not too bad.
I miss my friends. It's just nice to have people around who know me well and who I know well...I miss having people I can lean on. Physically and not physically. :)
But I'm okay. And I think I'm going home for at least part of the coming weekend (because my brother's going to be there) and I don't
think I have any tests this week (just a Calc. quiz, I think) and oooh, "1979" by Smashing Pumpkins just came on the radio...
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And oooh, now it's "In My Place" by Coldplay...excellent. :)